Sandy White

Resident Teaching Artist

Sandy is a West Virginia native and attended the Art Institute of Pittsburgh with a degree in Fashion Illustration. Upon graduating, Sandy lived briefly in New York working as an animator in an independent film studio before making her way to sunny California which she has happily called home for many years.

Sandy has worked as an art teacher in the San Diego Unified School District and has been a teaching artist throughout San Diego County and Escondido for nearly ten years now, witnessing firsthand the profound impact that art education has on her students. She embraces the notion that nurturing a student’s creativity offers them the means with which they can express their emotions, build their self esteem, and embrace their world as one with limitless color and possibility.

When not teaching art, you can find Sandy spending time with her daughter and son, attending local live theater and concerts, and day-tripping throughout San Diego county scouting out vintage clothing and treasures in local thrift stores.