ArtWalk Liberty Station is back for its 18th year, bringing a weekend-long celebration of arts and culture to San Diego’s Liberty Station on August 4, 5, and 6.
AUGUST 3, 2023

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Curt Brooker, Director of ArtWalk San Diego, talks with CBS 8 News to talk about ArtWalk Liberty Station. Amongst the booths local artists, live music, and delicious food will be ArtReach, a local nonprofit providing free arts education to youth in San Diego. In order to help raise funds for their in-class programs, free mural programs, and community workshops, ArtReach will be hosting a guitar giveaway at their booth. Here’s what Curt had to say to CBS 8 News about the giveaway:
“Artwalk always partners with and supports ArtReach, and they bring art classes back to elementary schools in San Diego County. They’re going to have these amazing guitars there and they’re going to be doing a giveaway where you can submit a $20 donation per ticket, and at the end of the show they’ll draw a name, and you’ll be able to take home one of these amazing guitars”.
“That is pretty impressive, the level of detail – that is beautiful!” – CBS8NEWS

Custom-painted Fender Acoustic guitar by artist Yesica Corral

Custom-painted Taylor Acoustic guitar by artist Norm Daniels