ArtReach strives to ensure that our services are accessible to people with a diverse range of abilities and disabilities. We believe that every person has the right to live with dignity, equality, comfort and independence.

ArtReach is committed to improving the user experience for everyone. We are currently pursuing resources to ensure that our website and shared documents are easier to use and more accessible for people with accessibility needs.

ArtReach HQ is located in the Hillcrest neighborhood of San Diego and is wheelchair accessible through the front entrance on University Ave. Our building has a private parking lot for ArtReach staff and visitors, accessible from Vermont St. The lot has ten parking spaces and a ramp leading to the back entrance of the building.

We welcome registered service animals and their handlers to our office. For the safety and comfort of all guests, service animals must be on a non-retractable physical leash that is less than six feet in length.

ArtReach proudly works with a diverse range of artists, youths, and communities. To ensure our programs are accessible and inclusive for individuals with disabilities, we adapt our programs for those who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deaf-Blind, have difficulty speaking, or have physical, visual, developmental, and learning disabilities, mental illnesses, or chronic illnesses. Physical adaptations include accessible art methods, art materials, printed materials, and consideration of workspace limitations.

ArtReach lesson plans use direct, plain language for clarity and easy translation. Teaching Artists design workshops inspired by artists who represent the communities we serve. We collaborate with school and community partners to plan any necessary modifications to our lesson plans, workspaces, and lesson delivery methods. We review class rosters with school staff and Teaching Artists to ensure all needs are met.

For in-house programs and workshops, we reach out to registered participants individually to ensure we accommodate any requested modifications.

ArtReach is continuously working to improve the accessibility of our site and services because we believe that it is our collective moral obligation to provide seamless, accessible, and unhindered use for everyone, including those with disabilities.